Friday, June 27, 2008


I finished my exams today. 27th of June, the very last day of the whole exam period in University of Melbourne. I am so lucky to get the last shift on the last day on my first semester...

My last paper was on 17th so there was 10 days in between and I actually declare holidays myself right after I finished my paper on the 17th.

Today exam is about my Food for Healthy Planet subject. Just like the name of the subject, the subject is pretty dumb and useless which I often called it the junk subject. It is also where I learned about some very basic food nutritions, global warming and Biotechnology.

Apparently, one of the major cause for global warming is due to methane gas. It is 20 times stronger than carbon dioxide in heat absorption. What is so stupid about this fact is that the main source of methane production is ruminants. Ruminants mean grass eating animals which have more than 1 stomach like cows and sheep. When digesting the grass,methane is produced and is released to the atmosphere when the animal *BURPS*. Ok, it sounds stupid but the burps of animal are account for global warming. In conclusion, everyone should reduce their red meat intake, so less cows or sheep are breed, less methane gas, less global warming effect.

Anyway, today exam is an open 'PAPER' exam where the candidates get to bring in one A4 paper full with notes both in front and behind into the exam hall. Since the space provided is limited, every students had tried their best in squeezing in as much notes as possible into that A4 paper. This is how my paper look like....


Nah, this is it. It looks like a god damn whole page of notes for me but its actually only 1/4 of the actual thing.
I tried to focus but my writings are really too tiny for my camera phone.

And this is how the actual thing look like. Notice the corners of the paper. I am deliberately utilizing every single millimetre of the paper. Hahaha...
Hmmm... Maybe I should framed it or something. Its a masterpiece. Dont you think so?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Weird Tag


  • Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
  • People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
  • At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
  • No tag backs!

  1. I can't do well in my calculus even I practice a lot. Purposely talk bout this because I just had my calculus exam today... DENG !!
  2. I can't sit still and study for more than half an hour except the day before the real exam where I can sit down and study non-stop for 10 hours.
  3. I dream about 5 days a week when I am sleeping.
  4. None of my dream is normal. Often got chased by mutant cow, aliens, hunters, weird plant, ghosts, clones and homunculus.
  5. Able to distinguish between dream and reality even though I was sleeping. It was 2 months ago when I had a dream where I was preparing to cook soup. The alarm (my handphone.. in real life) rang suddenly and inside my dream, I heard the alarm and I knew I had to wake up BUT... I got a small problem here... I havent put onions into my pot..OMG.. this soup is terrible without onions.. So, I quickly grab a knife, cut it into four, dumped them into the pot and wake up...
  6. I think I spend too much time on msn chatting everyday.
  7. I still think human cannot possibly invent time machine in future... because if they do, they would travel back in time and tell us... LOL
  8. For me, my blanket and comforter is regarded as something holy but too sad, I only manage to bring the comfoter to Melb. Next time must bring along my blanket.
  9. I like to wrap myself with the comforter and walk around in the house.
  10. And yes, I use blanket and comforter together when I am sleeping.. The thicker comforter is used to cover my legs and the thinner blanket is used to cover my upper body.. Different thickness to adjust the temperature.
  11. I am temperature sensitive as positive temperature changes can wake me up from my deep slumber.
  12. I rather chat on msn than talking.
  13. I am not really a silent person. I am just always lazy to talk.
  14. I always think that people who do not eat vegetables are evil.
  15. I am so weird because I am answering this tag.

I dont want to tag other people arr... U chui?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Just finished my Biology exam just now.. Its an 3 hours paper and I spent around 2 hours to finish everything except the first essay question asking about the difference between bacteria and archaeans. Seriously, I dunno what is the difference..... But nevermind, I got 1 hour to think how to 'sien ka'... So basically I just listed out the features of bacterias..

I couldn't say it is a tough paper because it is not really tough.. judging from the amount of students that left early (including me).

The format of the exam paper is also very 'different'. Part A consists of 40 MCQ questions. Part B and C are FILL IN THE BLANKS with choices available provided below (I thought this format is gone forever after secondary school). Part D is the essay question. Each point given by students is worth 2 marks (wth, even A level students need more than a single point to get 2 marks).

After the exam, I realised that I shouldn't 'telan' the whole semester of Biology facts together with the previous A-level stuffs blindly (which I usually do for every Bio exams previously). At least not for Biology exams in Melb Uni. This is because I read so much details that overtax my brain and the details were not asked during the exams.

Oh ya, some of the lecturers 'main busuk'. They put in questions that are supposed to be 'not in the syllabus' into the exam. I thought the details of T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes are not necessary but yet they came out in the exams. Luckily though, I managed to find the answer from deep of my brain.

Yesterday, I was still joking with Phuung with the bio terms and terminology like myrmecophage, fruigiphage, granivore and folivore. (Don't ask me for details... I dont really know even after the exams) THEY REALLY DID COME OUT IN THE EXAM AND SOME OF THE FILL IN BLANKS QUESTION ARE LIKE THIS :

The food eaten by 'some kind of animal which I forgotten the name' (which is usually_____) travels down the oesophagous and bla bla bla....

Ok, so now I am expected to know what does the 'some kind of animal which I forgotten the name' have for their meals... How on earth will I know what they eat when I dont even know what are they in the first place !!!!

Then I glanced through the options available, the only two things that appear seem to be most likely sources of food are LEAVES & GRASS.... WTF, is there really any significance difference in this?? MY GOODNESS. This question is PURE STUPIDITY.