Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Just finished my Biology exam just now.. Its an 3 hours paper and I spent around 2 hours to finish everything except the first essay question asking about the difference between bacteria and archaeans. Seriously, I dunno what is the difference..... But nevermind, I got 1 hour to think how to 'sien ka'... So basically I just listed out the features of bacterias..

I couldn't say it is a tough paper because it is not really tough.. judging from the amount of students that left early (including me).

The format of the exam paper is also very 'different'. Part A consists of 40 MCQ questions. Part B and C are FILL IN THE BLANKS with choices available provided below (I thought this format is gone forever after secondary school). Part D is the essay question. Each point given by students is worth 2 marks (wth, even A level students need more than a single point to get 2 marks).

After the exam, I realised that I shouldn't 'telan' the whole semester of Biology facts together with the previous A-level stuffs blindly (which I usually do for every Bio exams previously). At least not for Biology exams in Melb Uni. This is because I read so much details that overtax my brain and the details were not asked during the exams.

Oh ya, some of the lecturers 'main busuk'. They put in questions that are supposed to be 'not in the syllabus' into the exam. I thought the details of T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes are not necessary but yet they came out in the exams. Luckily though, I managed to find the answer from deep of my brain.

Yesterday, I was still joking with Phuung with the bio terms and terminology like myrmecophage, fruigiphage, granivore and folivore. (Don't ask me for details... I dont really know even after the exams) THEY REALLY DID COME OUT IN THE EXAM AND SOME OF THE FILL IN BLANKS QUESTION ARE LIKE THIS :

The food eaten by 'some kind of animal which I forgotten the name' (which is usually_____) travels down the oesophagous and bla bla bla....

Ok, so now I am expected to know what does the 'some kind of animal which I forgotten the name' have for their meals... How on earth will I know what they eat when I dont even know what are they in the first place !!!!

Then I glanced through the options available, the only two things that appear seem to be most likely sources of food are LEAVES & GRASS.... WTF, is there really any significance difference in this?? MY GOODNESS. This question is PURE STUPIDITY.

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