What the hell ??!! - This is my first thought when I saw this stupid note stuck at my door early in the morning before I went to uni. I am definitely not the one who will be so 'wu liao', throw rubbish out of the windows and the opening of the window is so small that only certain rubbish (approximately 50cmx20cmx4cm) are able to barely squeeze through the pathetic opening.
Wait a minute... Ok.. Let's say the rubbish did really been thrown out of my window by somebody to the street below. How on earth did they find out about this? They installed CCTV outside my window? Thinking of this makes me sweat... a lot... So there is a possibility that some other CCTV are also installed somewhere in my house la. @.@
All these questions had been puzzling me for the whole day until I went back to my apartment. Then, the guy living in the same unit as me a.k.a housemateku yang amat dibenci told me that every unit facing the street had the same notices stuck to each of their door, not just ours. Again my face shows the impression 'wtf' !! Smart ass la..
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